TL;DR: While mutexes are commonly associated with multi-threaded programming, they are also highly useful in Node.js, a single-threaded environment. They help coordinate access to shared resources and prevent redundant or conflicting operations, especially in scenarios like database queries or cache management.

What Is a Mutex?

A mutex (short for mutual exclusion) is a mechanism that allows only one thread or process to access a critical section of code at a time. This ensures that shared resources are not simultaneously accessed or modified in ways that lead to conflicts or inconsistent states.

Under the hood, a mutex uses the following core concepts:

  1. State Management:
    The mutex maintains a state, typically a boolean flag (locked), indicating whether it is currently held by a process.

  2. Lock Acquisition:
    When a task attempts to acquire the lock, it checks the locked state:

    • If the lock is unlocked, the task acquires it and sets the state to locked.

    • If the lock is already locked, the task is queued for execution once the lock becomes available.

  3. Queue Management:
    Tasks that cannot acquire the lock immediately are added to a queue. The mutex processes this queue sequentially as the lock becomes available.

  4. Lock Release:
    Once the task holding the lock is completed, the lock is released by:

    • Setting locked to false.

    • Notifying the next task in the queue (if any) to acquire the lock.

This approach ensures that no two tasks can access the critical section simultaneously.

In Node.js, despite being single-threaded, mutexes can still play a crucial role. Why? Because Node.js applications can have asynchronous operations executing concurrently. These asynchronous tasks can lead to race conditions or redundant operations without proper coordination.

    participant Task1
    participant Task2
    participant Mutex
    participant State

    Note over State: Initial State: Free
    Task1->>Mutex: Request lock
    Mutex->>State: Transition to Acquired
    State-->>Task1: Lock acquired (State: Locked)
    Task1->>Mutex: Access resource
    Task2->>Mutex: Request lock
    Mutex-->>Task2: Wait (State: Waiting)
    Task1->>Mutex: Release lock
    Mutex->>State: Transition to Free
    State-->>Task2: Next task acquires lock
    Task2->>Mutex: Access resource
    Task2->>Mutex: Release lock
    Mutex->>State: Transition to Free
    State-->>[All tasks]: Lock available

Common Misconception

Many developers often associate mutexes with multi-threaded programming, but their utility extends far beyond that. In asynchronous environments like Node.js, where multiple operations may run concurrently, mutexes play a crucial role in managing access to shared resources. This helps prevent race conditions and redundant operations, ensuring that resources are accessed in a controlled and predictable manner.

As the saying goes,

“Concurrency is not parallelism”

While Node.js operates on a single thread, it handles many asynchronous tasks concurrently. Mutexes help manage this concurrency by allowing only one task to access a critical section at a time, making it possible to safely coordinate access to shared resources, even in an environment where tasks run concurrently but not in parallel.

Real-World Scenarios

Let’s explore two examples where mutexes prove invaluable in Node.js:

1. Preventing Redundant Database Queries

Imagine a shared API endpoint that fetches a list of contacts. The database query takes 10 seconds to complete, and the result is cached for faster subsequent access. If 1,000 requests hit the endpoint during the query's execution, they could trigger 1,000 redundant database queries instead of waiting for the first query to complete.

Solution: Mutex-Based Cache Population

Here’s how you can use a mutex to ensure only one query runs:

import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Cache } from 'cache-manager';
import { InjectCacheManager } from '@nestjs/cache-manager';
import { Mutex } from 'async-mutex';

export class ContactsService {
  private readonly mutex = new Mutex();

    @InjectCacheManager() private cacheManager: Cache,
  ) {}

  async getContacts(): Promise<any[]> {
    const CACHE_KEY = 'contacts';

    // Check cache
    const cachedContacts = await this.cacheManager.get(CACHE_KEY);
    if (cachedContacts) {
      return cachedContacts as any[];

    // Acquire mutex lock
    return this.mutex.runExclusive(async () => {
      // Double-check cache in case it was populated while waiting
      const doubleCheckCache = await this.cacheManager.get(CACHE_KEY);
      if (doubleCheckCache) {
        return doubleCheckCache as any[];

      // Fetch data from database
      const contacts = await this.fetchContactsFromDb();

      // Store in cache
      await this.cacheManager.set(CACHE_KEY, contacts, { ttl: 60 });

      return contacts;

  private async fetchContactsFromDb(): Promise<any[]> {
    console.log('Querying database...');
    await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 10000)); // Simulate 10s delay
    return [{ id: 1, name: 'John Doe' }, { id: 2, name: 'Jane Smith' }];

Diagram (Mermaid):

    participant Client1
    participant Client2
    participant Server
    participant Cache
    participant DB

    Client1->>Server: Request contacts
    Server->>Cache: Check cache
    Cache-->>Server: Cache miss
    Server->>DB: Query contacts
    Client2->>Server: Request contacts
    Server-->>Client2: Wait (locked)
    DB-->>Server: Return contacts
    Server->>Cache: Update cache
    Cache-->>Server: Success
    Server-->>Client1: Return contacts
    Server-->>Client2: Return cached contacts

2. Coordinating File Uploads

Imagine a file upload service where users can upload files that are processed and stored in a cloud bucket. If multiple requests try to upload files with the same name simultaneously, they might overwrite each other’s data or create duplicates.

Solution: Mutex-Based File Upload Coordination

import { Mutex } from 'async-mutex';

class FileUploadService {
  private readonly mutex = new Mutex();

  async uploadFile(fileName: string, fileContent: Buffer): Promise<void> {
    await this.mutex.runExclusive(async () => {
      if (await this.fileExists(fileName)) {
        throw new Error('File already exists');

      await this.saveFile(fileName, fileContent);

  private async fileExists(fileName: string): Promise<boolean> {
    // Check if file exists in storage
    console.log(`Checking existence for ${fileName}`);
    await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 100));
    return false; // Simulate no file exists

  private async saveFile(fileName: string, fileContent: Buffer): Promise<void> {
    console.log(`Saving file: ${fileName}`);
    await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 500));

Diagram (Mermaid):

    participant Request1
    participant Request2
    participant Service
    participant Storage

    Request1->>Service: Upload file1
    Service->>Storage: Check existence
    Storage-->>Service: File not exists
    Service->>Storage: Save file1
    Request2->>Service: Upload file1
    Service-->>Request2: Wait (locked)
    Storage-->>Service: File saved
    Service-->>Request1: Success
    Service->>Storage: Check existence
    Storage-->>Service: File exists
    Service-->>Request2: Error: File already exists

Why Use Mutex in Node.js?

  1. Prevent Redundancy: Avoid executing the same expensive operation multiple times.

  2. Ensure Consistency: Protect shared resources from conflicting updates.

  3. Simplify Asynchronous Coordination: Manage race conditions cleanly and predictably.

Alternative solutions

While mutexes are effective for managing concurrency in Node.js, they are not the only solution. Depending on your use case, there are several alternative solutions for handling concurrency and shared resource management in Node.js. Here are some alternatives:

1. Locks with Redis (Distributed Locking)

If you're working in a distributed environment or need to scale across multiple processes or machines, Redis can be used to create distributed locks. Redis provides a lightweight and highly performant solution to implement locks via the SETNX command (set if not exists) or libraries like Redlock.

Use Case:

  • Distributed systems with multiple instances of Node.js servers needing synchronized access to resources.

Code Example:

import { createClient } from 'redis';
import Redlock from 'redlock';

const client = createClient();
const redlock = new Redlock([client]);

async function fetchContactsWithRedisLock() {
  const resource = 'contacts-lock';
  try {
    const lock = await redlock.lock(resource, 10000); // 10 seconds
    const contacts = await fetchContactsFromDb();
    // Do something with the contacts...
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Could not acquire lock', error);

2. Semaphore (Rate Limiting)

A semaphore is another synchronization primitive that controls access to a particular resource by multiple processes in a concurrent system. A semaphore keeps track of how many "tokens" are available for tasks to acquire. Semaphore-based solutions are especially useful for rate-limiting access to a resource.

Use Case:

  • Rate-limiting for APIs or services to ensure only a certain number of concurrent users can access a resource.

Code Example:

import { Semaphore } from 'semaphore-async-await';

const semaphore = new Semaphore(1); // Allow only one concurrent access

async function fetchContactsWithSemaphore() {
  const resource = await semaphore.acquire();
  try {
    const contacts = await fetchContactsFromDb();
    return contacts;
  } finally {

3. Event Emitters for Task Coordination

For simpler concurrency management within a single process, you can use Node.js EventEmitters to notify other tasks when an operation is complete. While not a strict locking mechanism, EventEmitters allow you to manage the flow of asynchronous tasks and coordinate operations.

Use Case:

  • When multiple tasks depend on the completion of a single task and need to avoid redundant execution.

Code Example:

import { EventEmitter } from 'events';

const eventEmitter = new EventEmitter();

function fetchContactsAndNotify() {
    .then(contacts => {
      eventEmitter.emit('contacts-fetched', contacts);

function handleFetchedContacts() {
  eventEmitter.once('contacts-fetched', (contacts) => {
    console.log('Received contacts:', contacts);


4. Worker Queues (e.g., Bull or Kue)

Using worker queues like Bull or Kue can help with managing task concurrency in Node.js. These libraries allow you to create jobs that can be processed by worker processes, controlling concurrency and ensuring that resources are accessed in an orderly manner.

Use Case:

  • Managing task queues where only a certain number of workers can access a resource at any given time.

Code Example with Bull:

import { Queue, Worker } from 'bullmq';

const queue = new Queue('fetch-contacts');
const worker = new Worker('fetch-contacts', async job => {
  const contacts = await fetchContactsFromDb();
  // Process contacts...
}, {
  limiter: {
    groupKey: 'fetch-contacts',
    max: 1, // Only allow 1 worker at a time
    duration: 1000 // Limit requests per second

5. Promise-based Locks

In a simpler case, you can create a promise-based lock where the lock is a promise that other tasks can wait on before proceeding. This approach is helpful for managing a shared resource in single-threaded environments like Node.js.

Use Case:

  • Managing access to a critical section of code with minimal complexity.

Code Example:

class PromiseLock {
  private lock: Promise<void> = Promise.resolve();

  acquire() {
    let release: () => void;
    const newLock = new Promise<void>(resolve => release = resolve);
    const currentLock = this.lock;
    this.lock = this.lock.then(() => newLock);
    return currentLock.then(() => release);

const lock = new PromiseLock();

async function fetchContacts() {
  const release = await lock.acquire();
  try {
    const contacts = await fetchContactsFromDb();
    return contacts;
  } finally {

6. Single Responsibility Pattern with a Task Queue

Sometimes, a simpler design pattern can solve concurrency challenges. You could use a task queue that ensures only one task accesses a shared resource at any given time by using a single-responsibility approach for managing a shared state.

Use Case:

  • Preventing race conditions by ensuring one task processes data at a time.

Code Example:

class TaskQueue {
  private queue: (() => void)[] = [];
  private isProcessing = false;

  enqueue(task: () => void) {

  async processQueue() {
    if (this.isProcessing || this.queue.length === 0) return;
    this.isProcessing = true;
    const task = this.queue.shift();
    await task();
    this.isProcessing = false;

const taskQueue = new TaskQueue();

taskQueue.enqueue(async () => {
  const contacts = await fetchContactsFromDb();

Comparison of Alternatives

ApproachBest ForConcurrency LevelComplexity
Mutex (async-mutex)Single-node concurrency controlHigh (single thread)Moderate
Redis LockDistributed systems or microservicesHigh (across machines)High
SemaphoreRate limiting, controlling the number of concurrent tasksMediumLow
Event EmittersTask coordination in single-process systemsMediumLow
Worker Queues (Bull)Task queues with concurrency controlHighHigh
Promise-based LocksSimple concurrency management in single-threaded systemsLow (single thread)Low
Task Queue (SRP)Sequential task processing with minimal concurrencyLowLow


While mutexes are an effective solution for managing shared resources in Node.js, you should consider these alternatives based on your specific needs:

  • Redis locks or distributed locks are great for large-scale, distributed systems.

  • Semaphores are useful for rate-limiting and managing controlled concurrency.

  • Promise-based locks or task queues offer lightweight solutions for simpler scenarios.

Mutexes aren’t just for multi-threaded programming. In a single-threaded, asynchronous environment like Node.js, they provide a powerful tool for managing shared resources, ensuring consistent behavior, and optimizing performance. By adopting mutexes in scenarios like cache management and file uploads, you can make your applications more robust and efficient.

Give mutexes a try in your Node.js projects and see how they simplify concurrency challenges.